As far as I'm concerned using a belt isn't wimping out. I believe that if you want a strong back than you train that area specifically. For example if I wish to strengthen my lower back I'll do good mornings or extentions. Using squats to strengthen your lower back is similar to using pullups to strengthen your biceps. Doesn't make much sense to me.
I've never had an injury in my 7 years of training and I'd like to keep it that way. Belts allow me to focus on the muscle group I was trying to target and not worry about injury. Your quads are much stronger than your lower back and I'd hate to end a set because of this.
Also straps are almost a necessity when using heavier weight. If you can succesfully hold 400-500lbs in your grip long enough to do 8 reps without worrying about your grip slipping I envy you. Ever watch the Worlds strongest men competitions. Almost everyone uses belts, straps, and knee wraps. I'd love to see anyone dispute their power and size...