Okay, time for a new debate. I'm curious what exercise people have found more effective for increasing the size of their medial/side delt. I'd prefer to narrow the debate to dumbells or barbell presses to the front, as pressing behind the neck puts the shoulders in an ackward and injury prone position.
Over the years I've tried both with good results, but this year I decided I wanted to see if I could dispel a popular myth, that pressing to the front is mostly front delts and will do nothing to increase shoulder width. Well, I've been doing only pressing to the front (as well as side laterals) for the past 6 months, and have noticed an incredible amount of growth in my side delts, so at this point I'm giving my nod to the military press.
Over the years I've tried both with good results, but this year I decided I wanted to see if I could dispel a popular myth, that pressing to the front is mostly front delts and will do nothing to increase shoulder width. Well, I've been doing only pressing to the front (as well as side laterals) for the past 6 months, and have noticed an incredible amount of growth in my side delts, so at this point I'm giving my nod to the military press.