Hey BG! I smell a carb up coming....! Your pix look great - abs look really nice! Proportion, great! HOw are the legs cutting up w/ the deplete?
My only comment is on your front relaxed pose - not sure if you are hitting it hard in your pix or its just a sort of "pix pose" -- but pull your shoulders up - get more emphasis on the points of your shoulders - helps create a stronger "V" shape and less rounding appearance if your "bend point" ends up being in your elbows instead. Even the best delts, if you don't pull them out and really get that shape going, its easy to pass over and notice the lack of "V" more than the delts themselves.
But really love your proportions and can hardly wait to see your show pix!
Reese: Good luck to you too! Make sure you post pics!
Sassy, thanks for the tip on the relaxed pose...I see what you mean.
Legs definitely have some new cuts...I'm sure they won't be the best on stage, but for my first show, I'm pleased.
I'm leaving this afternoon to stay in a hotel closer to the venue...I'll check in and weigh in tonight.
Getting nervous