New member
These are all working sets
Power Cleans 185x5x5 ( PR for 5 is 205 )
Power Shrugs 275x8x2
Upright Rows 135x8x2
Pullovers 75x5x5 - First time doing
Wide Grip Front Pulldown 110x8x2
DB Bent over row 40x8x2
Squat 235x5x5 ( PR 275x5 )
Seated and Standing Calf 1x12 5 count on the negative 10 count on the bottom
Abs and Obliques
Power Cleans 185x5x5 ( PR for 5 is 205 )
Power Shrugs 275x8x2
Upright Rows 135x8x2
Pullovers 75x5x5 - First time doing
Wide Grip Front Pulldown 110x8x2
DB Bent over row 40x8x2
Squat 235x5x5 ( PR 275x5 )
Seated and Standing Calf 1x12 5 count on the negative 10 count on the bottom
Abs and Obliques