Any enduro athletes out there who can tell me if it's a good idea to have sex when your in balance between barely getting by and recovering or falling to peices and getting sick? My services are "needed" even if I don't want to give, kinda. I've never really paid a lot of attn to what my body has done the next day(s) after I've had sex. I neglect most of the time to record when I've had sex to see if there's a pattern. I can't really see one yet. Anyone else who's a step-ahead already found that there is or isn't a pattern. My cracker swears that since my body is releasing testosterone to create more sperm that it's also making more to help me recover. She's a political science major, and doesn't know much more about physiology than me. Is she blowing smoke up my ass? or should i have a good excuse next time I just want to lay in my bed and sleep?