That was my first time to test my strength on my deadlift in the way that it will be done on contest day. I plan to test it in this way a time or two more between now and then...and just focus on doing pull throughs, rev hypers, box squats, band ham curls, heavy abs, etc...
I think that I will basically run out of time...15 will be hard to get in 60 seconds...even if I don't fail.
Nice job, B. I don't think you should have taken as much rest time after your first 9 or so, though...just like I shouldn't have rested as much in my contest.
That dealift was awesome, 500 for 11 reps is plain sick bro. Moving a lot of weight for low reps is one thing, it's a whole new ballgame to hit up high reps like that
Nice job, B. I don't think you should have taken as much rest time after your first 9 or so, though...just like I shouldn't have rested as much in my contest.