I could bring a date, that is definitely feasible as I've been seeing someone semi regularly now... (who knows if I'll still be seeing her then, but I know I could bring a date if I wanted to spend the day with someone.)
That's really not in my nature though, to do something so intentional and deliberate to throw in her face...
I don't really wish my ex any ill will.. but at the same time when I think of her I think of an immature, cold, selfish bitch. Not because she dumped me really... that HAPPENS.. I realize that and always have.. I've had to break things off with women and I know I've been the source of some hurt and some pain.. its never fun, never easy...
my big thing, and I've said this before I think here, is that I think she treated me like complete shit with the way things ended... the suddeness.. the things she said.. lack of real explantion... etc etc... I imagine how I would have handled things had I been the one to break up with her and it would have been completely different.
I'm very easy going, very rational, a realist, I may have initially been upset at the idea of breaking up, but with a little respect and compassion we could have talked through things and had they still ended, we could have been left in a far more comfortable place for both of us. I know this is easier to say then do, but its really what I believe.