Girls.....any androgen will have a tendency to reduce estrogenic fat deposits to a small degree.( abdominal, upper arm, upper thigh and hip etc. There is nothing magical about Anavar. It just doesn't aromatize at all so there is no water gain with this roid.
Also, as you put on more muscle tissue your body will burn more calories. Also, when you lift hard, which you are likely to do while "on" then more calories are used.
Now men can take a large dose of test and if they do not take an estrogen inhibitor they may get gyno but they will certainly gain some fat too due to the high estrogen levels. You ladies don't have to worry about that because even if you do take a little test the tiny amount of aromatization will be offset by the androgen.
My guess is that proviron will do the absolute most for estrogenis fat loss, especially considering its estrogen inhibiting properties, but it is also more androgenic so sides could be an issue.
Winny is likely to be better for you girls in this regard too but it is more androgenic than anavar.
Primo would probably do more in this regard too, but don't take the injectable as it has a long half life makes bailing out of a cycle hard to accomplish should bad sides come on.

The only roid that has significant fat burning properties is Trenbolone acetate but it is far too androgenic for females unless you are going for the Olympia