Re: all natural protein bars,better protein bars,best protein bars,healthy protein ba
What you have to take into consideration is the basic purpose a protein bar is suppose to serve.
The most obvious use is to provide fuel and nutrients the body needs at a time when it is impossible to digest "real" food. (The key word here is "real"). So you utilize protein bars to help you achieve your dietary requirements based on the fitness and health goals you are striving for.
You do so at a time when your body needs protein, carbs and fats in order to remain in an anti catabolic state. But will just any protein do? Will any carbs do? Will you settle for any kind of fat? If yes, then you can use any protein bar out there if you are not going to be conscious enough to care what you are fueling your body with. Heck, you could do the same with a Big Mac from McDonalds as well. It has protein, carbs and fat in it right? And really, pretty much the same kind of protein, fat and carbs that some protein bars on the market contains as well.
But what you need is your nutrients from a CLEAN source. Superior protein. Quality carbs. Healthy fats. Have you found that in any of the off the shelve protein bars yet? I haven't. It would be news to me if any existed.
Now look at Better Protein Bars. Remember what I said about "real" food? That is a REAL source of protein. Compare that to any other protein mixes out there in the current bars. Carbs? Which bar has the healthiest lowest GI rating carbs within that do not spike the insulin levels. Fats? Which of the bars is more heart friendly than the others. When comparing these products on a nutrient level, Better Protein Bars is the clear winner. There is no competition at all from the others.
So basically what you are getting is a true source of quality nutrients and food source, for a fraction of the price that other competitors attempt to pass off as legitimate alternatives.
But don't limit the comparing of Better Protein Bars to just other protein bars on the market. Instead take a look at the protein/carb/fat ratio contained in these. Now think for a minute that if time, convenience, location, etc.. were not an issue where could you get those exact same ratios of quality protein/carbs/fat that you require. Yes, you could find a healthy resturant to eat in. But that is more expensive and takes up your time. You could even cook at home a meal of chicken, yams and broccoli which is cheaper than eating out. But that requires time and that meal is still more expensive than Better Protein Bars. You could even mix a shake with protein powder, oatmeal, and all natural peanut butter, but unless you are packing a blender and have access to an electrical outlet, good luck choking down those lumps. Again, the winner is clear.
So what you have here is a choice for superior nutrient supplementation for your fitness goals and efforts, that costs under $2 and can fit in your pocket. No mess. No liquids. Nothing to prepare or cook. If there is anything out there that can beat this, someone tell me where to find it.