This is going to be a long post, with a lot of different focuses.
First off, I must say, 80% of everything I know about lifting weights, bodybuilding, diet, etc.. I learned from my friends here at EF. I am very proud to be a part of this board and really owe a lot of where I am at today to this board. This is why I look to you guys (and women) for advice and help when I need it (which seems to be a lot).
So first, my background.
I started college in 1995 and worked out for the 2nd time then. The first time was in college during the track and field off season where I remember doing incline bench with JUST the bar to failure.. unfortunately all of my friends who trained with me then still remember that to this day.
In college I tried working out with a couple of guys that did regularly. They were lean with decent builds.. but I had no clue what I was doing, I was not consistent, and I had no idea what to eat. Needless to say the working out I did between 1995 and 2000 was sporatic, near worthless, and didn't get me any muscle gains or development. I probably only worked out 12 times over those 5 years. So basically what I am saying is that doesn't really count.
So in 2000 I started running competatively again, but I also started throwing in some weekly chest and bi workouts. I had a limited home gym so that was all I really did. I did that for about a year and did see some decent results. Muscle toneness... I had a chest, although small, but I had one. My arms were a little defined. I was benching 3-4 sets with 85-105lbs. My max was 1 rep of 135.. I had to work up to this... It actually took me a long time before I could do 135 once.
Then in March 2001, around the time I joined this site, I started really hitting it hard, developing a routine. My running pretty much stopped July 2001.. and from then on it was all weights.
I am 6'2", I was 165lbs with about 4-5% bf in July 2001. The running had basically burned every ounce of fat off me.
My weight gain came quickly. By February 2002 I was 190lbs. Unknown bodyfat.
By October 2002 I was up to 210lbs. My waist had gone from a 34 to a really tight 36.. I was outgrowing my pants. I looked big all over. I was told my ass was so large it was out of proportion with my body. My highest weight reached was 213lbs.
Starting in December 2002 I cleaned up my diet a bit. During that month I lost 10lbs. Starting January 2003 I dieted harcore. Used NYC and Yohimburn and added in regular cardio. I went from 200lbs @ 14%bf to 189lbs at about 8.5%bf.
That is basically where I am at today. The thing is, my strength has been relatively the same since October 2002. I have done one rep of 225 now. September 27th 2002. But now, after all of the dieting, I can't even get that up once. Along with the fat loss, I lost a little muscle and stength.
So today I am just over 190lbs.. less then 10% bodyfat.. defined abs.. but some love handles.
I feel like I am stuck in a plateau that I can't get out of. Here is my current split.
Monday - Chest and Bis
Flat bench - 1-2 warmups 2 heavy working sets of 6-8 repts
Incline Dumbells - 1-2 warmups 2 heavy working sets of 6-8 reps
Incline Straight bar OR decline straight bar - 1-2 warmups and 2 heavy working sets of 6-8 reps.
Straight bar standing bicep curs - 1-2 warmups and 2 heavy working sets.
Standing alternate dumbell curls - 1 warmup, 3 heavy working sets.
Dumbell Hammer curls - 2 heavy working sets, 1 warmup.
Tuesday - Legs
Smith SQUATS - 1 warmup - 3-4 heavy working sets.
Leg press machine - 1 warmup 3 heavy working sets
Leg extension - 3 working sets
Hamstring Curls - 3 working sets
Wednesday - OFF
Thursday - Back and Tris
PULL UPS - 4 sets as many as I can do
Wide grip pull down - 2 warmup, 2 working
Seated Row Machine - 1 warmup 3 working
Deadlifts - 2-4 working sets 1 warmup.
Sometime I throw in a bend over row
Dips - 3 sets as many as I can do (usually 8-15 per set)
Tricept pushdown machine - 3 sets, 1 warmup
Rope pull down - 3-4 working sets
Friday - Shoulders
Dumbell shoulder press - 1 warmup, 3 working
Seated Military Press on the Smitt - 1 warmup 3 working
Dumbell Shrugs - 1 warmup, 2 working
Straight bar shrugs on the smith 3-4 working sets
sometimes I throw in upright rows
So that is basically it in a nutshell.
From time to time I mix it up with a superset. or I will work in with this big guy at my gym who does a really high volume, short rest period training session. I am an ectomorph, he is an endomorph so our training styles differ. he does each body part 2 times per week and his workouts are 2 hours at a time. my workouts are about an hour at a time and I hit each body part once per week. I've talked to him about my plateau and he says if I keep doing what I am doing I'll never get big.. from what I have learned on here that is not true though.
As far as diet, I eat a lot of protein, not much fat except from fish and nuts, and my carbs are mostly complex, low sugars.
I'd like to bulk again, but without putting on a huge layer of fat and outgrowing my pants.
I'd appreciate any and all advice. Different perspectives always help.
I've haven't used any AS yet either.
First off, I must say, 80% of everything I know about lifting weights, bodybuilding, diet, etc.. I learned from my friends here at EF. I am very proud to be a part of this board and really owe a lot of where I am at today to this board. This is why I look to you guys (and women) for advice and help when I need it (which seems to be a lot).
So first, my background.
I started college in 1995 and worked out for the 2nd time then. The first time was in college during the track and field off season where I remember doing incline bench with JUST the bar to failure.. unfortunately all of my friends who trained with me then still remember that to this day.
In college I tried working out with a couple of guys that did regularly. They were lean with decent builds.. but I had no clue what I was doing, I was not consistent, and I had no idea what to eat. Needless to say the working out I did between 1995 and 2000 was sporatic, near worthless, and didn't get me any muscle gains or development. I probably only worked out 12 times over those 5 years. So basically what I am saying is that doesn't really count.
So in 2000 I started running competatively again, but I also started throwing in some weekly chest and bi workouts. I had a limited home gym so that was all I really did. I did that for about a year and did see some decent results. Muscle toneness... I had a chest, although small, but I had one. My arms were a little defined. I was benching 3-4 sets with 85-105lbs. My max was 1 rep of 135.. I had to work up to this... It actually took me a long time before I could do 135 once.
Then in March 2001, around the time I joined this site, I started really hitting it hard, developing a routine. My running pretty much stopped July 2001.. and from then on it was all weights.
I am 6'2", I was 165lbs with about 4-5% bf in July 2001. The running had basically burned every ounce of fat off me.
My weight gain came quickly. By February 2002 I was 190lbs. Unknown bodyfat.
By October 2002 I was up to 210lbs. My waist had gone from a 34 to a really tight 36.. I was outgrowing my pants. I looked big all over. I was told my ass was so large it was out of proportion with my body. My highest weight reached was 213lbs.
Starting in December 2002 I cleaned up my diet a bit. During that month I lost 10lbs. Starting January 2003 I dieted harcore. Used NYC and Yohimburn and added in regular cardio. I went from 200lbs @ 14%bf to 189lbs at about 8.5%bf.
That is basically where I am at today. The thing is, my strength has been relatively the same since October 2002. I have done one rep of 225 now. September 27th 2002. But now, after all of the dieting, I can't even get that up once. Along with the fat loss, I lost a little muscle and stength.
So today I am just over 190lbs.. less then 10% bodyfat.. defined abs.. but some love handles.
I feel like I am stuck in a plateau that I can't get out of. Here is my current split.
Monday - Chest and Bis
Flat bench - 1-2 warmups 2 heavy working sets of 6-8 repts
Incline Dumbells - 1-2 warmups 2 heavy working sets of 6-8 reps
Incline Straight bar OR decline straight bar - 1-2 warmups and 2 heavy working sets of 6-8 reps.
Straight bar standing bicep curs - 1-2 warmups and 2 heavy working sets.
Standing alternate dumbell curls - 1 warmup, 3 heavy working sets.
Dumbell Hammer curls - 2 heavy working sets, 1 warmup.
Tuesday - Legs
Smith SQUATS - 1 warmup - 3-4 heavy working sets.
Leg press machine - 1 warmup 3 heavy working sets
Leg extension - 3 working sets
Hamstring Curls - 3 working sets
Wednesday - OFF
Thursday - Back and Tris
PULL UPS - 4 sets as many as I can do
Wide grip pull down - 2 warmup, 2 working
Seated Row Machine - 1 warmup 3 working
Deadlifts - 2-4 working sets 1 warmup.
Sometime I throw in a bend over row
Dips - 3 sets as many as I can do (usually 8-15 per set)
Tricept pushdown machine - 3 sets, 1 warmup
Rope pull down - 3-4 working sets
Friday - Shoulders
Dumbell shoulder press - 1 warmup, 3 working
Seated Military Press on the Smitt - 1 warmup 3 working
Dumbell Shrugs - 1 warmup, 2 working
Straight bar shrugs on the smith 3-4 working sets
sometimes I throw in upright rows
So that is basically it in a nutshell.
From time to time I mix it up with a superset. or I will work in with this big guy at my gym who does a really high volume, short rest period training session. I am an ectomorph, he is an endomorph so our training styles differ. he does each body part 2 times per week and his workouts are 2 hours at a time. my workouts are about an hour at a time and I hit each body part once per week. I've talked to him about my plateau and he says if I keep doing what I am doing I'll never get big.. from what I have learned on here that is not true though.
As far as diet, I eat a lot of protein, not much fat except from fish and nuts, and my carbs are mostly complex, low sugars.
I'd like to bulk again, but without putting on a huge layer of fat and outgrowing my pants.
I'd appreciate any and all advice. Different perspectives always help.
I've haven't used any AS yet either.