New member
my stats as of right now are age 21 weight 230 about 15% bodyfat6foot 3 my whole body looks somewhat cut and i am toatally sastified it all except for love handle and stomache area i am looking for a good diet to cut fat but maintain lean muscle. basicly i am tryin to start to get my body ready for a good cut summer look
diet as of now and i was bulking so :
morning myoplex 40g protein with milk 6 eggs 6whites 4yellows
lunch about 2 cans tuna 50g protien with mayo teaspoon oatmeal
later whole chicken from boston market potatos gravy
about 2hrs later myoplex 50g milk
later (somtimes pizza subs steak and cheese)shit like that
before bed chicken breast frozen from grocerystore veggies stirfry
30g says 40 on bag but after u cook it ?
i don't really know about carbs
i just want to get a diet down for cutting and stick with it to loose some bodyfat thanks
can someone help me get five or six healthy meals down thanks in advance oh yea i like chicken shakes and redmeat also vegies
brown rice oatmeal tuna but i just need a little help gettin it all together thanks
diet as of now and i was bulking so :
morning myoplex 40g protein with milk 6 eggs 6whites 4yellows
lunch about 2 cans tuna 50g protien with mayo teaspoon oatmeal
later whole chicken from boston market potatos gravy
about 2hrs later myoplex 50g milk
later (somtimes pizza subs steak and cheese)shit like that
before bed chicken breast frozen from grocerystore veggies stirfry
30g says 40 on bag but after u cook it ?
i don't really know about carbs
i just want to get a diet down for cutting and stick with it to loose some bodyfat thanks
can someone help me get five or six healthy meals down thanks in advance oh yea i like chicken shakes and redmeat also vegies
brown rice oatmeal tuna but i just need a little help gettin it all together thanks