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RottenWillow said:Bottom line is if you're hot then your scam can be cornball. We're not stupid. We know what you want and we know what we want. No player's guide neccessary.
If the face and bod is happening then we want you to succeed in perpetrating your scam but due to our need to protect our own self esteem (i.e. not feeling like we're giving it away) we still need you to work at it for a while. You understand? There is a dance that must be danced before there's any hookups.
But for me personally if I'm not down for the nasty then then I tell it straight up front. "Are you trying to hook up, cuz it's totally fine if you are?" "You are? Cool, but it aint gonna happen with me and you might want to spend your time and money elsewhere".
As for the average and maybe below average looking guys, your degree of successful scammage is going to be heavily dependent on the girl's self knowledge. If she is unsure of herself and/or unsure of what she really wants then your play IS going to be much more important.
disclaimer lol: This isnt directed towards anya, but she chose to be a used as an example...sorry babe

You know what i want? THe truth is, most women HAVE NO CLUE what we men want....and it goes waaaayyyyy beyond spreading your legs. This is why women's game just sucks...and some dont even realize that they control their destiny and that they ALSO have game.
And whats this callin it a "scam"..... were doing you a favor by approaching you because women *would rather die* than approach a man....try it, try approaching ONE guy this week u think is hot. Most women actually have ZERO seduction/attraction skills, or any other skills for that matter. Ive been approached by so many girls who just come off weird, or ask me for the time, or tellin me lame jokes. BUT at least they have my respect for trying. Then there are the girls who wouldn't know how to kiss well if they had personal coaching lessons from the worlds best kissers lol! these women will be lonely for a long long time

since women are usually not leaders, *most* usually have no aspirations beyond "getting married", and no fortitude to go for what they want, and its left to the men to come up to you, start BS'ing with shit that we dont find interesting just cuz we feel that you would be into it (because we dont have to hide our desire for sex), to get to know what type of woman you are, this unfortunately feeds your ego, makes you feel special or desired so that you can turn around and tell your friends that guys think your hot, or you have so and so chasing you......
BUT you choose to sabotage your own life by not considering most guys who approach you.....guys who could turn out to be the love of your life....guys who could be a great lay.....guys who could help you grow from a little girl to a mature woman.....because you let society dictate what you think of yourself and your you need a reason or go through a *dance* to be able to kiss/sex a man.
WHY do i say sabotage?? because women *especially in the US* dont really think about what they might be loosing by turning away a guy (mainly cuz most guys are pussy whipped cowards), women feel like they are made of gold and hold real power because they have a vagina. We wont get started on the serious ADD / entertain me mindframe that most have.
*TO ALL THE WOMEN READING THIS* I want you to **seriously** think about this and not just provide emotional outburts on this board about how wrong i am, that women now are empowered and independant, blah blah blah. If you woke up tommorow, and NO GUY EVERRRRRR approached you again, would your life be dark, bleak, drab and so unbelievably boring??? Would u still have this "i dont give a shit" attitude towards men? Our would u become scrambling to change your life and try to get men to talk to you, lost in how to make the approach, lost in how to even interact with your average man?
*To ALL THE GUYS* dont be so fukin needy, make a woman chase you, so she will feel validated and have a reason for sleeping with you, or even being attracted to you. Work on yourself (in all areas of your life) just so that you will be a better man, FOR YOURSELF. start approaching women...just for the sake of approaching women. Dont have the mentality to get a #. Just approach and see if you can get her attracted/have a good interaction. Keep practicing on women....especially the hotties. Fuck with their minds a little, let them think you want some P, get them smiling and giggling.....and then JUST WALK AWAY! if she doesnt chase you down, you will still have learned something new from that interaction w/her.
We're weird creatures! learn to love life and yourself....