New member
Well I just had one of those days were on every lift you feel strong... A good day for me on delts/tris
Military press 4 sets with 205 for 5 reps and 225 (pr) for my last set for 5. I felt really good since i have been shooting for the two wheels on each side for a while now.
Did some reverse flyes with 50lbs 3 sets for 10 reps each, good squeeze and nice burn after.
Close-grip 275 (pr) 5x5 left arm was lagging a little bit
. But this is a big pr since I have never went this high before on close-grip for one let alone 5x5.
Pushdowns, I felt I was laggind speed and endurancew on these so I went light and push out a lot of reps. 80lbsx30, 100x30, 120x30 and then 140 for 10 strict form 4 sec down and 4 up
I was spent so I went to the buffet again and ate

Military press 4 sets with 205 for 5 reps and 225 (pr) for my last set for 5. I felt really good since i have been shooting for the two wheels on each side for a while now.
Did some reverse flyes with 50lbs 3 sets for 10 reps each, good squeeze and nice burn after.
Close-grip 275 (pr) 5x5 left arm was lagging a little bit

Pushdowns, I felt I was laggind speed and endurancew on these so I went light and push out a lot of reps. 80lbsx30, 100x30, 120x30 and then 140 for 10 strict form 4 sec down and 4 up
I was spent so I went to the buffet again and ate