Hey all. I've been bulking for a while and believe that it's time to tone up a bit... this is priarmily due to the stretch marks that i've been getting. Got the one between my chest and shoulder (2 bigs ones to be exact), a bunch on my biceps, a few big ones on tris, and a ton on my quads. Enough of that though. I'm just gonna cut to slow down all of these stretch marks.
I do have some motivation though since i'll be working right by the beach this summer...
Okay so right now i'm Age:19 5' 11'' 231lbs @14-16% BF. I'm leaning towards the middle of that range for my current bodyfat. You can see the top portion of my abs when i'm flexing and i haven't worked out my abs since the summer (stupid, I know).
Here's what my current plan looks like.
3 Cups oatmeal per day
2lbs of a lean meat
24-36 egg whites
3 1/2 -4 scoops whey
regular fruit/vegeatble portions.
I'm at a 800-1100 deficit.
Fish Oil
Mega Shred (Bought it with a test stack and it purportedly promotes fat burning and helps maintain muscle)
I'm one a 3 day split. 2.5 hours weights a day. I'm planning on slightly reducing the weight traning 15 minutes a day in order to dedicate some more times for my abs.
Cardio: Treamill, ellipitcal... 45-60 minutes a day. 30 of those minutes in morning with an empty stomach (I just take half a scoop of protein before the morning cardio). I'll hopefully be adding some HIIT soon (just need to research it a bit more).
So here's my questions. Last time I was lean (7%) I melted the fat away much more slowly than I'd like to this time around. So would it be okay if I had say 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal to fuel my workout and throw in a sweet potato as well (so essentially i'd add one sweet potato to my diet and that would be before traning to add energy). Also, is it necessary that i have carbs following my weight training? If so what's the bare minimum?
And sorry for all the questions (i've never done a super serious goal oriented cut) what are some good foods for burning fat? I've read that cinnamon is a good one so i'm starting to have some cinnamon as well.
Thanks for the tips/comments/critiques.
I do have some motivation though since i'll be working right by the beach this summer...
Okay so right now i'm Age:19 5' 11'' 231lbs @14-16% BF. I'm leaning towards the middle of that range for my current bodyfat. You can see the top portion of my abs when i'm flexing and i haven't worked out my abs since the summer (stupid, I know).
Here's what my current plan looks like.
3 Cups oatmeal per day
2lbs of a lean meat
24-36 egg whites
3 1/2 -4 scoops whey
regular fruit/vegeatble portions.
I'm at a 800-1100 deficit.
Fish Oil
Mega Shred (Bought it with a test stack and it purportedly promotes fat burning and helps maintain muscle)
I'm one a 3 day split. 2.5 hours weights a day. I'm planning on slightly reducing the weight traning 15 minutes a day in order to dedicate some more times for my abs.
Cardio: Treamill, ellipitcal... 45-60 minutes a day. 30 of those minutes in morning with an empty stomach (I just take half a scoop of protein before the morning cardio). I'll hopefully be adding some HIIT soon (just need to research it a bit more).
So here's my questions. Last time I was lean (7%) I melted the fat away much more slowly than I'd like to this time around. So would it be okay if I had say 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal to fuel my workout and throw in a sweet potato as well (so essentially i'd add one sweet potato to my diet and that would be before traning to add energy). Also, is it necessary that i have carbs following my weight training? If so what's the bare minimum?
And sorry for all the questions (i've never done a super serious goal oriented cut) what are some good foods for burning fat? I've read that cinnamon is a good one so i'm starting to have some cinnamon as well.
Thanks for the tips/comments/critiques.