sorry it took me so long...
Just Bustin' your bawls... I know you have a life
7/2/06 - Sunday
Delt workout
Start time: 2:35pm
Military DB Seated OHP: 45s for 8 (warmup), 50s for 8, 60s for 8, 65s for 6
Front Raises: 20s for 8 ..25&30s for 8...yes at the same time (lol..jk)
WTF You best be SQUEEZIN' at the top
Bent over Laterals: 15,20, 25s for 8
Same here ... no swing right?
Upright Row:45x8, 65x8, 75x8
{ I forgot how much these hurt my rotators...not again until I forget at least } Eek don't kill me, but have you use the rope with cable & try these? even just keeping the weight low? @ 75, I HEAR them screamin' ...
Cable "V" Bar Press Down: 80lbs for 8, 100lbs for 8, 130lbs for 8
End Time: 3:20pm
Great job with the progression & gitn'r'dun under an hour ...
I LOVE keeping a written journal i can skim back and see what i've done the past week and throw stuff in or take stuff out i've already done so as to not overkill anything like usual
... thank you B-Bunny
It reminds me of fitday customizing ... PITA at first but can make all the difference later, even the slightest adjustments ... Going on #4 very soon You are more than welcome, I am glad you try & implement my suggestions, hate 'em or love 'em ....
6/3/06 - Monday
Start time: 11:25am I LOVE afternoon training ... damn work gets in the way during normal work days
Incline DB: 50s for 8, 55s for 8, 60s for 8
Flat DB: 65s for 8, 70's for 8, 75s for 8
Decline DB: 85s for 8, 90s for 6 (holy crap that was rough last set)
Cable Crossovers: 45x8, 50x8 (ran over to do some dips randomly - 5), 60x6
Cable Kicks: 20x8, 25x10 (opps... just kept counting and reppin'
), 30x8 (upping poundage next time)
Rope Crunches: 85x8, 100x8, 120x8
Cardio: Arch Trainer - Hill Intervals - Level 1 - 20 minutes
{^^^ Kicked my ass! wow... first lenghty (for me, lol) cardio session in a LONG time... i want to do this a few times a week... for cardiovascular health mainly}
End Time: 12:40pm
I'm having incredible workouts and loving them... strength seems to be increasing... good stuff. G-Dizzle thank you for all your input and the training advice!
200lbs even today... good stuff
I wanna know what 220 looks like on my frame though