45 years old, trained off and on since age 20. Muscle memory is good—can generally regenerate musculature and endurance pretty quickly. Fell off the wagon 3 years ago and ballooned up to 250 lbs. at 6’-1” and haven’t been below 235 since. I have always felt my best at around 200 lbs. Here is my plan for the next 8 weeks (actually already into it). Trading daily volume for frequency.
Day One
Low incline bench press/DB press
BB curl + drop/DB pressdown/DB extension
Day Two
Military press/DB lateral raise
Bent-over row
Front pulldown
BB shrug
Day Three
Leg extension /Leg curl
Calf raise
Day 4
Day 5
Intense abs every other day. All movements 3x8-10 to positive failure.
Cardio Monday thru Friday before breakfast, Saturday and Sunday off.
1,900 cals per day: 260 gr. Protein, 110 gr. carb., 42 gr fat (including flax seed oil)
2,600 cals on rest day, just to shake up the metabolism.
One day of rest may not seem like enough, but I can handle it. Obviously, I’m first interested in fat loss and muscle preservation. Would appreciate feedback and opinion on fat loss potential, assuming that I am diligent. Thanks for serious responses.
Day One
Low incline bench press/DB press
BB curl + drop/DB pressdown/DB extension
Day Two
Military press/DB lateral raise
Bent-over row
Front pulldown
BB shrug
Day Three
Leg extension /Leg curl
Calf raise
Day 4
Day 5
Intense abs every other day. All movements 3x8-10 to positive failure.
Cardio Monday thru Friday before breakfast, Saturday and Sunday off.
1,900 cals per day: 260 gr. Protein, 110 gr. carb., 42 gr fat (including flax seed oil)
2,600 cals on rest day, just to shake up the metabolism.
One day of rest may not seem like enough, but I can handle it. Obviously, I’m first interested in fat loss and muscle preservation. Would appreciate feedback and opinion on fat loss potential, assuming that I am diligent. Thanks for serious responses.