Miss24k said:Veggie Greens + 1oz goji splash + 5g glutamine
Meal 1
1/3 C oatmeal
1/2C blueberries
1/2 whey, 1/2 casein
1 tbsp ground flaxseed
3 fish oil
Trained Legs
Hack Squats 6 x 14 (140lbs)
Leg extensions 3 x 12 (60lbs)
Sissy squats 3 x 14 (no weight)
Lying leg curls 4 x 15 (40lbs)
Deadlifts 4 x 15 (50lbs)
Leg Abductor 3 x 15 (50lbs)
Seated calf raises 3 x 20 (25lbs)
Meal 2
25g whey
Meal 3
3 slices spelt bread
6 egg whites
*Note to self DO NOT EAT EGG WHITES ANYMORE* Felt sick for the rest of the day
Meal 4
24g casein
1 tbsp almond butter