bro just eat and train if you want to get big.
there isn't a certain amount of cals you have to track, or amount of meals... JUST EAT BIG AND TRAIN BIG. the gains will come. train your legs!! not your abs and biceps
in YOUR situation that will suffice. this is why most personal trainers FAIL, cause they don't understand this concept. if you are skinny then your strategy is going to be different than someone who is fat.. a fact of fitness that PT's fail to understand because they are too lazy
shakes are taken post workout because of experienced guys who use insulin. I do not take shakes at all unless I use insulin myself.. I will eat 2 large meals within the next 3-4 hours. you need to carb focus instead of just obsessing about protein, carbs are essential to grow mass if you are an ectomorph.. I can't hammer this enough to young dudes .. too many are scared of carbs.. you aren't gonna get fat off sweet potato's and rice.