New member
My swollen and sore arm has healed enough that I was able to get back in the gym. I tried working out a couple days after the crash and my arm hurt so bad that I couldn't even pick up a 10 lb. plate, let alone lift a barbell or dumbell. I was originally planning on just doing legs and abs using machines. Then I realized I could pick up a 45 lb. plate with no pain so I decided to do some dumbell curls. I started with the 15's and worked my way up to 40's. I've lost strength but that should return quickly. My shoulder had been bugging me before the crash so it's been over a month I think since I've done chest and delts. I hate to see how much strength I've lost there but I've got to start training them again. I just really have to be careful of my back. I had a herniated disc before the accident and then I broke a vertebrae in the crash. My eye is healing well. I still have a little bit of a black eye and it's only been 10 days after the surgery to repair the broken eye socket. My poor broken nose is still sore. The docs said there was nothing they could do to help it.