Why don't they just extract it and take the extract? Oh wait....... i think PP already did something similar to this with phyto test.... might wanna look into that.
Why don't they just extract it and take the extract? Oh wait....... i think PP already did something similar to this with phyto test.... might wanna look into that.
"team from Rutgers University found that a steroid in spinach can enhance protein production in the muscles of mice. When the phytoecdysteroids were placed on human muscle tissue cultures the growth rate increased by 20 per cent, New Scientist reports."
I like spinach enough to try this - either beef, salmon, or cheese.
Problem is 1kg per day here frozen costs like $50 bucks per week.
But it gives me more reason to ditch the other "greens" in favour of spinach
I just started eating spinach about 2 weeks ago, 3 times a day. I have it with eggs in the morning, with chicken for lunch and dinner. I've noticed I have soo much energy and always feel full.
I'll keep you guys posted.
That is not hard to do, 5.5 cups of cooked spinach broken down into 5 meals. But it would be very boring.
I would get sick of it very fast! But try it out, I would be interested in your results.
You can cook it so many different ways. I get the fresh spinach from the farmers market and usually eat it raw. Growing up I used to HATE spinach, somehow i learned to love it.
You can make it interesting and add flavor: jalapeno peppers, garlic, cucumbers, olive oil, tomatoes etc... I usually sprinkle some cottage cheese on top. If you get bored you can make a stew with carrots, peppers etc...
It is sooo good!
Eating mega amounts of spinach may not be advisable. Spinach contains oxalic acid which interferes with the body's ability to absorb calcium and iron. If you do want to go ahead and make like Popeye be sure to eat plenty of foods that are rich in vitamin C to help your body absorb these nutrients.
4 days in
- feel very full;
- farting a lot;
- otherwise all is cool
No need for multivitamins - RDI is 200%+ for every nutrient (except D), today had 15g of potassium in total, probably a PB. That's more potassium than 1 kilo of spinach has in net carbs lol. I'm not sure if getting 1000%+ of vit K, A; 500%+ of B2, folate, Copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous is very good though, so if i feel at all bad from this I will quit it very soon