I've mastered eating in my sleep. i don't even wake up, I just go to the kitchen and pull out a premade sandwich and a shake with my eyes closed the whole way.
I've mastered eating in my sleep. i don't even wake up, I just go to the kitchen and pull out a premade sandwich and a shake with my eyes closed the whole way.
Thats funny cause I remember someone on this board (can't remember who) had a sleep walking problem. They would sleep walk and binge out hardcore. He would wake up and find 5 bags of chips eatin, or a box of protien bars chowed down. I think he said now he either locks himself in his room, or locks the food up. Either way it was pretty funny.
yeah, its a good idea to have a shake before you go to sleep at night, prefferebly a slow digesting whey with some milk added. if your bulking the extra calories will only help you brotha. 8 hours is a lot of time and will starve your mucsle if you've been training hard like most of us on this board. sometimes i eat fattening hamberbuger meat without any kind of carbs and does wonders for my gains. try this for a week and see how you feel. lata
When I´m bulking or when I´m recovering post cycle, I leave a shake bottle with Whey/milk next to the bed. Anytime I wake up at night, I´ll shake it a little, open and drink it. I think it works just fine.
42-60 grams of metrx slow release protein before bed w/ 1 tbsp flax........then when i wake up to piss middle of the night i got a premixed scoop (20 grams) of whey waiting for me in the bathroom by the sink. just piss, gulp, then back to bed. only 80 calories so its good for cutting or bulking.