We are totally diffrent? She hates that everybody loves me, and she has few friends. I know that not everyone loves me, but most of the home town folks act like they do. She says I pay everyone else more attention than her, which is total bullshit. I kiss her ass way more than I should to try to counter act this NO ATTENTION bullshit, and at home its all about her. The once a month that there is sex its all about her, I have made it all about her. Honestly I think I have spoiled her ass to this point. When she has an orgasm, sex is over, I got about two min. from that point to get mine and get the fuck off of her. Im too heavy on top of her, my shit is too big to do from the back, you name it I have heard it. What would you do bro? My shit wouldn't too big to hit from behind 8 yrs ago, when she was trying to put her hooks in my ass. And now its like I don't exist. I know she enjoys having sex and that she is sexually satisfied, when we do, so why would she not want it more. Im a dumb ass I guess, I just dont know.