who cares.. u guys arent focused on the main goal! the personal/side awards are nice but ask any nfl player and all they want is a chance to play in the superbowl, let alone win it.
Forget the game meaning anything, I agree with that. However as the number one seed and having a bye, Jim Caldwell is basically giving his starters three weeks off with what he did yesterday. Talk about possibly getting creamed in the divisional round because you have barely seen game time action in almost a month is gonna = colts pwned because of being rusty
That's what you guys who say " the game didn't mean anything" FAIL to realize.
and lol @ the jet fan trying to make this game look alright
people are making a big deal about the colts taking out peyton
it really means shit- they have the #1 seed in the AFC clinched and they didnt' want peyton to get hurt. Sure, it isn't good for teams fighting for wild card spots like the ravens, steelers, broncos, etc, but it is what was best for the colts and i think it was a good decision
Forget the game meaning anything, I agree with that. However as the number one seed and having a bye, Jim Caldwell is basically giving his starters three weeks off with what he did yesterday. Talk about possibly getting creamed in the divisional round because you have barely seen game time action in almost a month is gonna = colts pwned because of being rusty
That's what you guys who say " the game didn't mean anything" FAIL to realize.
and lol @ the jet fan trying to make this game look alright
During the Patriots run all anyone talked about was the streak. All day every day. Every question they got was about the streak, as if getting to the Super Bowl wasn't enough stress. Can you do it? Will you do it? How do you feel? How will you will feel? What do undefeated QB's eat for breakfast? How do undefeated teams wipe their ass? yada yada yada.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of the Colts wanted to lose a game JUST TO SHUT EVERYONE THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT! Now they can concentrate on just winning the next game and we don't have to see Mercury Morris on tv every damn day.
Smurf needs to take the Colts Kak out of her mouf.
I didn't say they suck, or that they are def gonna lose their first game in the playoffs. Just with almost three weeks off it can work against a team. Most national people including Colt fans and players are PISSED. I would be too.
That was bush league yesterday.