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Ulcasterdropout said:I have heard differently on this...
I've heard stories of guys that get back together with previous girlfriends and there is an obvious difference of tightness from previous incounters.
I'm talking storied in the hundreds.
Body size was surprisingly, not a variable.
This seems to be the main cavern maker...
Sure is....you're the first one I've ever heard to actually have it done.
Sorry darlin' but your friends are straight up liars.
And the surgery of which I speak it not specifically to make the vagina smaller for sexual pleasure - that is only a pleasant affect. It is an actual hernia repair. Shall I describe it in detail as you seem to be calling ME a liar?
Because I had SEVERAL children, yes, the vaginal walls did most certainly become laxed. When I began to lift very heavy as I wanted to become competitive, combined with the stupidity of wearing a lifting belt, the intraabdominal pressure was so great that it caused my bladder to collapse on top of my vagina thus forcing the top vaginal wall out of my body. I had to wear a device called a pesory (sp) which is a strong rubber ring similar to a diaphragm but it was VERY uncomfortable and the hernia was so great and vaginal walls so lax that given enough force I could and did actually force it out of my body regularly. If I did not wear the pesory the hernia would bulge horribly and cause me a tremendous amount of pain and discomfort. So at the age of 30 I was the youngest woman in my OBGYN's practise to have a "cystoceal repair" (which is the technical name for this surgery). It was supposed to be a "no biggie in and out of the hospital in 1/2 day thingie". After the surgery was complete I unexpectedly began to hemorrage profusely. My then husband had already left the hospital to attend to our children so he could not be reached as I was rushed back into surgery. I nearly bled to death and left the hospital 5 days later, terribly anemic, but alive.
But hey, I had a tight pussy.... right?

Soon after that hernia was repaired a did develop another far less severe hernia. (So, my coochie is STILL tight LOL). If I EVER wear a lifting belt or strain hard I will make it worse. The only way to repair this is to cut a woman literally in half, do a total hysterectomy and attach the top of her vaginal canal to her sacrum (the end of the spine) with a mesh. My OBGYN only knows of ONE DR in my state that he would trust to do it.
But thanks for asking.