damn sounds fun my bro and i used to get in pillow fights, rungo style (from original battle arena toshenden for ps1)
what u do is pack the pillow deep down in it as tight as possible then twirl up the pillow and its hit, its liek a fucking bricks are inside there, and i think iv had my neck broken a couple times
One time she hit me with a broom and I sprayed windex in her eyes. We didn't fight with pillows....those aren't good weapons. We fought pretty violently until I was 20 or 21. She's 3 years younger.
Once she was whipping the nintendo (original) control around in circles and really caught me hard with it. Now we're friends.
One time she hit me with a broom and I sprayed windex in her eyes. We didn't fight with pillows....those aren't good weapons. We fought pretty violently until I was 20 or 21. She's 3 years younger.
Once she was whipping the nintendo (original) control around in circles and really caught me hard with it. Now we're friends.
and one time i poured a bottle of calogne (sp) intot he inside of my brothers pillow, so he slept and it smelled awful and he didn tknow why...then he woke up and it all leaked around his pillow case and turned it yellow, and my mom thought he pissed then smelled it, and i got in huge trouble