i've had some nasty things in my time, but not all in the name of lifting, so i'l break it down for you
1) sardines covered in chocolate syrup, eating it by the handful and not puking
2) eating puked up sardines covered in chocolate, bile, and beer
3) suck a fart, you dont want to know
But in the name of lifting:
1) When i tried to clean out my system cuz i hadnt shit in 2 days, i had to drink pure mineral oil, it was terrible
2) also when i still couldnt shit (too much protein) i had an upper GI, in which they made me drink BARIUM, if you've never had it, thank god, no amount of meat shakes and rotten food can compare
3) double serving of mass action fruit punch mixed in powerade, god awful, almost yaked every time i took it, had to hold my nose
4) shots of prolab amino fuel, terrible taste the guy at gnc said he actually liked it and it tasted good
5) liquid protein (bought it at gnc in the blue and yellow bottle) terrible flavor and made me gag and dry heave for a day
6) Gplenish is pretty nasty, can always taste it no matter how dilute it is
7) the jelly left over from a can of spam, only thing to wash down dry creatine, when i went on a canoe trip (no way in hell was i drinking the water)