skaman607 said:
wow that sucks, yeah the lower back is a strong pair of muscles, but not as strong as the quads, as you get up to elite lifters their squats are highr than their deads, I don't know why
Hamstrings, glutes, and erectors move a squat...not quads. I work almost daily to make my lower back stronger than my quads, and from what I can tell, it's working.
My deadlift is higher than my squat, BTW. In general, yes, the Elite squat numbers seem to be higher than deadlift numbers, but this is because the erectors, glutes, and hamstrings are driving it...
they are stronger than the quads.
In WSB training, squats/deads/GMs are all worked the same days BECAUSE they work the same muscles, and require similar recruitment and mechanics. Your GM goes up, and your dead and squat will probably go up too.
I think Louie Simmons referred to that quads as "all show and no go," or some such.