Okay, just doing some brainstorming for after Thanksgiving.
I definitely will be cutting. Please let me know if something should be switched around/changed. I know I'm preparing kinda early, but the in-laws will be in all next week, so I won't have the time to do this later.
(I'm a little bitter about this because they only live 2 hours away and are staying forever with their mean, stinky dog (and I usually love dogs, but this one's an exception)
. Okay. I'm finished ranting. loL!!)
I will work on the food measurements later, I just want to get a meal plan going. I'm going to aim for 1536 cals, 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat when I do finally measure out the food.
Right now, I am currently 128 pounds and 16.7% BF (measured by Omron Body Fat analyzer... it may not be accurate, but I've only been using it to make sure the BF reading goes down and not up! )
6:30 - Rise/Cardio (I'm aiming for 5-6 days a week, only 20-30 minutes.)
*How many times a week should I do HIIT?*
7:45 - Protein Shake (no carbs or fat in shake)
10:45 - Protein Bar (homemade: egg whites, nonfat cottage cheese, oats, protein powder)
12:45 - Salad (mixed greens, chicken, olive oil & vinegar based dressing)
3:30 - Protein Bar (same as 10:45)
5:30 - Protein Shake (minimal carbs/fat in shake) and ANPB
*I'm wondering if I should change this shake to almonds or something else?*
6:30 - Workout - Weights 3x's a week (full body, heavy), other days will include pilates, yoga, tae bo, or me being lazy! LOL!
7:30/8:00 - Lean Meat (usually chicken), baked potato or rice, misc. veggie
9:45/10:00 - ANPB
*I was trying to fit in a fat before bedtime... I don't know if this is right, especially since my previous meal is so late in the evening.*
Feel free to rip it to shreds and/or give me any advice! I want to make sure I get this right.