I'll give my own personal stats to let you know what I'm talking about. Take my arms for example. I was doing the 5x5 with straight bar curls I worked up to 140 pounds over a 3 month period. I was also super setting weighted dips and worked those up to 60 pounds. Now that I've started my diet and I changed some of my lifts I'm curious if the new exercises and new weights being not as demanding will cause my muscle to shrink. I'm now doing standing ez bar curls with 105 for 5x5 and super setting them with skull crushers/french curls with 105 for 5x5. It's less weight overall but I'm keeping them very very strict, but the overall effort level isn't as high and the pump isn't as good. With chest I was doing flat barbell press with 245 at my best for 5x5, and now I'm doing incline barbell press with as of yesterday 180 for 5x5. Will doing a less strenuous workout cause the muscle to reduce in size and strength to the new required level? Should I go back to what I was doing since it seemed to produce better results?