Ok, Here's the scoop, I'm getting back to the gym after 4 yrs of being away and am pretty outta shape compared to lasttime I've hit the weights.. My wife (who is in the Army) is showing interest in going to the gym with me and has gone a couple of times now, until yesterday she was doin cardio only on an olyptical or treadmill and that's about it. Now she says she's ready to start lifting weights with me.. My my Question is How can I design I routine for us to lift together and make gains toward both of our goals..
I'll post my normal routine from past yrs experience and I'll post a experimental routine for the both of us.. Tell me what I will need to change..
My Past Workout Regiment:
Stretch for 10min Before any workout..
Monday, Wendsday and Friday 15-30 min of Cardio (Treadmill, Olyptical, Bike any of the above)
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 3 sets of Abs till failure usually
Monday: Chest/Tri's (cable for arms on secondary days)
Incline Bench Press
Decline Bench Press
Rope Splitters
Reverse Curls
Tuesday: Back/Bi's (again Cables for secondary muscle group)
Lat Pulldowns
Mid Rows
Both arm Cable curls (?)
Spider curls
Single arm Curls
Wendsday:Shoulders and Secondary muscle Groups (calves forarms and traps)
Military Press BB
Upright Rows
Lateral raises
Forward Raises
Reverse Fly's
Forearm curls
Calve Raises
Thursday: Arms ( Freeweigths)
Close Grip Bench
Overhead Raises
Cheater Bar Curls
Precher Curls
Alternating DB Curls
Friday: Legs
Squats ( Box, Front, or Normal)
Leg Press
Quad Extensions
Hamstring Curls
Calve Raises
This is pretty much the Routine I stuck to for about 2 yrs of my training while I was in the military and working out daily.. Now that I'm getting back into it it seems a little much for me and I've red a bit on the 3x5 and the 5x5 workout regiments that are out now and was thinking about those..
Here is the workout I was figuring on my Wife and Myself could both use.. (Please feel free to comment and adjust as neccesary)
Monday, Wendsday and Friday: 20-30 min Cardio
Monday and Friday 3 Ab exeercises 3xfailure
Deadlifts 3x5
Squats 3x8
Flat Bench 3x10
PushDowns 3x10
Lat Pull Downs 3x10
Alternating Curls 3x10
Leg Press 3x8
Seated Good Mornings 3x6
Incline DB Press
Overhead Raises
Mid Rows
Cheater Bar Curls
Calve Raises
Wendsday: Off
Squat: 3x8
Hamstring Curls 3x10
Flat Bench 3x10
Rope Splitters 3x10
Pullovers 3x10
Alternating Curls 3x10
Forearm Curls 3x10
Deadlift: 3x6
Leg Press 3x8-10
Incline DB Press 3x10
SkullCrushers 3x10
Upright Rows 3x10
Shrugs 3xfailure
Weight adjusted by ability..
It's a rough draft so try not to critisize too harshly, it's been a few years since I've made a workout routine and probably 1st time I've tried to make 1 co-ed.. I've done some reading on the womens forum and I'd like to thank and acknowledge Tatyana, NeedToGetAas and Thandie for their great advice to women and to guys like me interested in helping their better halfs in getting into shape and feeling better about themselves.. And thank you to everyone else here on the forums that donate their time and knowledge to help out..
Some stats:
Me: 165lbs 5'9'' In alright condition still but need to lose a gut I put on.. I would like to lose that and put my 185lbs of muscle back on.
Wife:162lbs 5'6'' 1 Child and has trouble with some weight around her stomach and hips.. She would like to lose that, but in good shape because of the military PT she does about everyday, but we know training isn't the same as TRAINING..
I'll post my normal routine from past yrs experience and I'll post a experimental routine for the both of us.. Tell me what I will need to change..
My Past Workout Regiment:
Stretch for 10min Before any workout..
Monday, Wendsday and Friday 15-30 min of Cardio (Treadmill, Olyptical, Bike any of the above)
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 3 sets of Abs till failure usually
Monday: Chest/Tri's (cable for arms on secondary days)
Incline Bench Press
Decline Bench Press
Rope Splitters
Reverse Curls
Tuesday: Back/Bi's (again Cables for secondary muscle group)
Lat Pulldowns
Mid Rows
Both arm Cable curls (?)
Spider curls
Single arm Curls
Wendsday:Shoulders and Secondary muscle Groups (calves forarms and traps)
Military Press BB
Upright Rows
Lateral raises
Forward Raises
Reverse Fly's
Forearm curls
Calve Raises
Thursday: Arms ( Freeweigths)
Close Grip Bench
Overhead Raises
Cheater Bar Curls
Precher Curls
Alternating DB Curls
Friday: Legs
Squats ( Box, Front, or Normal)
Leg Press
Quad Extensions
Hamstring Curls
Calve Raises
This is pretty much the Routine I stuck to for about 2 yrs of my training while I was in the military and working out daily.. Now that I'm getting back into it it seems a little much for me and I've red a bit on the 3x5 and the 5x5 workout regiments that are out now and was thinking about those..
Here is the workout I was figuring on my Wife and Myself could both use.. (Please feel free to comment and adjust as neccesary)
Monday, Wendsday and Friday: 20-30 min Cardio
Monday and Friday 3 Ab exeercises 3xfailure
Deadlifts 3x5
Squats 3x8
Flat Bench 3x10
PushDowns 3x10
Lat Pull Downs 3x10
Alternating Curls 3x10
Leg Press 3x8
Seated Good Mornings 3x6
Incline DB Press
Overhead Raises
Mid Rows
Cheater Bar Curls
Calve Raises
Wendsday: Off
Squat: 3x8
Hamstring Curls 3x10
Flat Bench 3x10
Rope Splitters 3x10
Pullovers 3x10
Alternating Curls 3x10
Forearm Curls 3x10
Deadlift: 3x6
Leg Press 3x8-10
Incline DB Press 3x10
SkullCrushers 3x10
Upright Rows 3x10
Shrugs 3xfailure
Weight adjusted by ability..
It's a rough draft so try not to critisize too harshly, it's been a few years since I've made a workout routine and probably 1st time I've tried to make 1 co-ed.. I've done some reading on the womens forum and I'd like to thank and acknowledge Tatyana, NeedToGetAas and Thandie for their great advice to women and to guys like me interested in helping their better halfs in getting into shape and feeling better about themselves.. And thank you to everyone else here on the forums that donate their time and knowledge to help out..
Some stats:
Me: 165lbs 5'9'' In alright condition still but need to lose a gut I put on.. I would like to lose that and put my 185lbs of muscle back on.
Wife:162lbs 5'6'' 1 Child and has trouble with some weight around her stomach and hips.. She would like to lose that, but in good shape because of the military PT she does about everyday, but we know training isn't the same as TRAINING..