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Legion Kreinak2 said:So, CCJ, how do you suggest one goes across CNS training mainly? The 5x5 borders that I believe, yes?
Basically, it seems like there's no reason to do anything but CNS training. So many people have muscle, but just can't utilize what they have. Wouldn't it be great to see a guy with half some other guy's muscle, but twice as much recruitment (if you can put it in such a way) and watch them fight? Oh, so fun, t'would be.
well you have to use heavy weights >85% of 1RM, and weights between 50-70% to train for speed and power. Keep the reps low (under 5 reps, 1-3 is optimal) with long rest periods (above 3 mins, preferably 4-5 mins)
Avoid the pump.
Like Pavel said, many people have the hardware, but they don't have the right software.