that makes sense. do you eat white carbs in the bulking season/off season? or do you stick with complex carbs, but larger portions?
I don't see a reason to intentionally eat hig glycemic carbs other than post workout. Bulk or cut. It's more about portion when it comes to bulking or cutting anyways. And keeping your blood suagr for getting to high and increasing the rate of fat deposition.
If you eat simple carbs during a bulk, you'll just put on even more fat than with using complex carbs with no real additional benefit other than putting on more weight from fat, which is pointless IMO.
I have a faster metabolism and eating complex carbs slow the rate of digestion and allows me to stay leaner when eating high carbs to put on weight.
If you ate 200 grams of carbs from oatmeal, and 200 grams of carbs from bleached white flour, your body will digest and absorb the white flour faster and store it as fat at a greater rate. The oatmeal digests slower, and produces a sustained amount of available energy and doesn't jack up your blood sugar and insulin levels too high during the day, storing less fat.
On a cutting diet, your body can't digest the slow (low GI) carbs at fast enough a rate so it access your fat stores (and some muscle too) for some of the energy. But if you are lifting and eating high amounts of protein, your body will use less muscle and more fat for enrgy, thus dropping fat and leaning up while preserving as much lean mass as possible. When your muscles are broken down from lifting, your body is forced to use fat stores for energy because the signals coming from the muscles are to use energy coming from elswhere for repair, not to give off energy for other means.