OK, so I finally got my protein from PF. While it took 2 weeks from the day I placed my order, it was a very good price for a specialized combo so I do like that. I had some last night and man.....it tastes pretty bad. I got a 60% Egg Whites, 20% casin, and 20% whey. I got chocolate with splenda as the sweetener and got some glute in there as well. It seems to mix better than my old stuff, but the taste.....hhmm. I mixed it with some skim milk last night, and then tried some blu and strawberries this AM and no luck. I am used to using spelnda to sweeten and tried all the different proteins that are in there, but not all at once so maybe that is it? I got 5 frigin lbs of the stuff so I wonder if you have any feedback as to what it making it taste so nasty. Honestly it tastes kinf of acidic to me for some reason. I will of course use it because it is afterall just protein and it's already paid for but any feedback on how to make it taste better if I order it again is appreciated.