Was that a question or a statement? but yes, that is true, cutting the cardio out helped a whole lot, will start cardio back in about 3-4 weeks, taking 8 weeks off from it.
BG - oops, that was a question! Now I am REALLY confused that you were able to lean out by cutting out the cardio but now you are going to add it back in to lean out more?
Yes My cardio base line had gotten real high, my body was use to 50 minutes of intense spinning classes 5 days a week, so once I changed it up and completly took it out, my body was still looking for all those carbs to burn each day, so I took those out also, it had no choice but to lean down Now that I am getting my baseline back to zero, once I add in the cardio, and get into the fat burning range, it will start burning fat again, where as before, my body was used to it and expected it, it won't expect it in 3-4 weeks
Please forgive my ignorance, I'm a guy cut me some slack. I hear about it all the time....but what the hell is "spinning"??
Yes I know...everyone laugh and point at me because I don't know....but the only way to find out is to ask. I mean if it will add 50lbs on my total....I will try it
Spinning class is where a group of people in a room get on stationary bicycles and ride to music, very rapidly I teach different kinds of classes, recovery, race, interval, etc.. Cardio doesnt get much better than that But it's all personal preferance