casualbb said:
I amazed how open-minded people are on this board. Good for you guys for looking into new routines.
These principle's have been around for twenty years, there is nothing new here.
I understand the mechanics of muscle growth, training, diet and rest recovery. Having been involved in this sport for 20 plus years.
Too make a bold statement that people are not different is crazy.
In addition to competing, I was a personal trainer for many years.
Simple fact, different people respond differently to different training regimes.
There are people on this board that will swear to training a bodypart once a week, some say twice, some say three. Arnold believed in training your bodyparts three times per week.
There are physiological differences in people that determine where training and optimum growth occur. You also must consider
body type, Endo, Ecto or Mesomorph.
There are also some psycological factors.
I am clearly speaking of the natural athlete, as I trained that way
for twenty years. Peolple wanted me to train them because they liked my look.
I do encourage all to experiment with different routines, but if it doesn't work for you don't think there is something wrong with you. It is simply not the right routine for you.
In that respect every single one of us is different. Just how an individual processes their diet is a huge factor.
Personally I think diet is 75% of the game.