I'm sure I would. He sounds pretty impressive, even if his wheels are a bit deficient
But nah...most pros aren't anywhere near that. Haney often said his chest was no more than 55". Mentzer told me that Frank Zane had a 45" chest and 16.75" arms at his prime. And Arthur Jones personally measured Sergio Oliva's chest at 52" (this was at a very lean bodyweight).
Jones also said that Sergio was the only bodybuilder he'd personally measured that had a geniune, relaxed differential of 20" between his chest and waist. There are guys who have probably exceded that and then some, but most pros flat-out lie about all measurements.
Tape measures also shrink over time. For the most accurate measurements, Jones used to cut himself a new tape for every measurement he took!
Of course, Art could be a little nutty, but he had no reason to lie. I tend to trust his figures more than I do a guy talking about his own biceps, for instance (though of course guys today ARE way bigger than they were in the early 70s).
tru, the guys isnt ripped, i mean, he has meat on him, so...
BTW, i noticed yesterday, his ribcage is extremely wide for his height, and i think hes more around 5'8, i misjudged... that is a reason too
52 years old, 5'6" at 230 with no lower body and you don't think so? I don't care how long you've been working out. If someone has been working out 35 years they're probably bound to use gear somewhere along the line. I mean how far do you think your genetics will take you?
i know alot of people who have been working out for years and have never used AS. it's called living a healthy lifestyle. don't assume people juice because they love to lift bro.
52 years old, 5'6" at 230 with no lower body and you don't think so? I don't care how long you've been working out. If someone has been working out 35 years they're probably bound to use gear somewhere along the line. I mean how far do you think your genetics will take you?
Its very possible that he's a super genetic freak. Very possible, especially lifting big weights like that. your boy DC says jokingly that he thinks Paul Dillet could get big "mowing the lawn." Freaks like that are out there.
My favorite would be the standard overhead press, either seated or standing. However I've switched to seated after hearing that you can injure your lower back easier in the standing version if your form slips.