L Legion Kreinak2 New member Feb 21, 2003 #31 Don't worry about it! You're thinking too much. Try the 5x5. You'll make gains regardless man, trust me. Choose a routine...
Don't worry about it! You're thinking too much. Try the 5x5. You'll make gains regardless man, trust me. Choose a routine...
D daok New member Feb 22, 2003 #32 OK Legion Kreinak2 Tonight I will train with the 5x5, I will post this afternoon what I will do, it will look like yours but I will replace some exercices maybe by some that I like more Thx dude, Daok
OK Legion Kreinak2 Tonight I will train with the 5x5, I will post this afternoon what I will do, it will look like yours but I will replace some exercices maybe by some that I like more Thx dude, Daok