Canuck4 New member Sep 10, 2002 #13 Spectre said: I can spank the monkey for 15 minutes, how long could I last with a real women? Click to expand... Bwhahahaha
Spectre said: I can spank the monkey for 15 minutes, how long could I last with a real women? Click to expand... Bwhahahaha
S SuKY_GeNeTiCs New member Sep 10, 2002 #14 If I had more posts I would say something cocky or funny!
W WARBIRDWS6 Guest Sep 10, 2002 #16 hardrock said: Do a search!!! LOL Click to expand... ROTFLMAO!! there are people who would honestly tell the guy that.....because that is all some people ever say on here! i'm going to type in "scout420 max bench" and see what i come up with. lol.
hardrock said: Do a search!!! LOL Click to expand... ROTFLMAO!! there are people who would honestly tell the guy that.....because that is all some people ever say on here! i'm going to type in "scout420 max bench" and see what i come up with. lol.
W WARBIRDWS6 Guest Sep 10, 2002 #18 lol! i typed it in the search and got this thread only! shit, its still a mystery.
Greek Freak New member Sep 10, 2002 #19 Spectre said: I can spank the monkey for 15 minutes, how long could I last with a real women? Click to expand... 6 minutes 34 seconds give or take a little(I did a search and found this great masterbation->max sex calculator). But can you bench 200 15 times?
Spectre said: I can spank the monkey for 15 minutes, how long could I last with a real women? Click to expand... 6 minutes 34 seconds give or take a little(I did a search and found this great masterbation->max sex calculator). But can you bench 200 15 times?