New member
Hi I'm sort of new to elite fitness but I've been working out and training for 3 years now. I lift basically all year around except for the months of December, January, and February. I don't lift during these months because I'm too busy wrestling. Before the season started I was 144.5, then cut down to 130. It wasn't too hard to loose the weight, I just cut back on what I ate, took a stacker every now and then, and ran. I now am cutting from 130 to 125. Its a lot of weight I have lost and am loosing but as long as I do it right I know I can do it. After wrestling and cutting weight for a couple years now I still am curious about one thing, what is the best thing to eat after weigh-ins (having your weight checked before your meet to make sure on weight.) Not eating that much or drinking that much the day of a match isn't the best feeling in the world, especially when you've lost a lot of weight as it is. After weigh-ins though you get to eat whatever you want as much as you want because you've already made the weight. The only downside to this is you have to wrestle about an hour later or so. The last match I had I ate some pineapple, a propel, a taylor ham sandwich and a redbull. I ended up puking right after my match, which I have never done before. Any suggestions on what's the best and healthiest thing to eat? What will give me the most energy, but not make me feel sick, yet still taste good? Thanks a lot to any one who answers this.