Well, do a 17 week ketogenic diet with periods of clen, T-3, and ECA +1-2 hrs of cardio per day for a competition and I think you'll see why it fluctuates. I'm not even fat right now. But, when I eat carbs and go on cycle I hold a lot more water, everything is volumized. So, I think normal for me is 33-34 at "normal" levels of bodyfat. Again, I'm 6'2"- so 34" at that height actually looks fairly trim. Toward the end of a contest diet, especially after dropping water, I end up under 31"- this past contest at 30.5. So many changes happen when you diet hard for a competition that you'd be surprised about. I NEVER thought I had as much fat to lose as I did. To lose 30 lbs getting ready for a comp is nothing. Ask any guy at a state or regional show what his weight was before dieting and I'll bet you 4 out of 5 will show that they've lost 25+ lbs. And, ancedotally, 5 lbs of bodyfat = 1 inch on/off the waistline.
Until about 23 years old I was 30-32", not at 27 I'm 34" and pretty much stay at that size - jeans are tighter/slacker depending on my diet. Would love to get down to 32" again!
Currently trying gain weight and am 210lb, 15ish% bf, just over 6ft.