amount of weight/amount of reps doesnt change how much fat u burn, fact is weight lifting doesnt burn a whole lot of fat. but the more muscle you have the more fat u burn overall the feed the muscle.
When on DC training I've heard to simply eat one less meal a day, up the cardio to 5x a week in the morning on an empty stomach for 30 minutes, and to do all straight sets, no heavy negatives, statics or RPs. Straight sets, cardio, 1 less meal.
i gotta disagree, weightlifting burns its fair share of fat. Metabolic rate from pumping iron stays higher for hours after you've done your last set, while metabolic rate from cardio only stays high for a half hour or so after your done.
after lifting, i come home, shower, but even long after im done i still sweat.
weightlifting alone doesnt burn fat is what im sayin, it does raise yer metabolic rate so u burn fat continually afterwards while doing stuff, but the actually act of lifting doesnt directly burn a whole lot of fat, thats why when cutting the amount of weight, ie less weight higher reps, doesnt matter