Barbell rows with an overhand grip hit the mid-back and upper back complex much better than the lats. I feel them in my lats a little bit, but I only get sore in my mid/upper back from them. If I use an underhand grip and bring the bar to my belt line instead of mid-abs, I feel them more in my lats. But I prefer the overhand grip. I think palms facing chins are by far a better lat builder than any exercise. The main cause of pain from doing chins are 1) hyperextending the shoulder complex at the bottom of the movement, and 2) doing wide-grip palms facing away from you chins. In my opinion, wide-grip palms away chins are worthless. They do nothing that palms-facing medium grip chins can do EXCEPT for destroy your rotator cuff. Palms facing chins and BB rows with an overhand grip are my only two back exercises along with deadlifts. Rows for upper back, chins for lats, and deadlifts for total development.