stephen4327 said:
i would much rather have a dumb young broad who lets me have their way with them. the older women like having too much control, the young ones dont really know what theyre doin so you just man-handle up
Works for me... and works for you.
I had GOBS of younger men up in my shit and yes, I did date a coupla few even spun them around for a night and all I have to say is we were NOT meant for one another. I mean in ANY sense.
Younger men (for a woman like me) are like cubic zirconia. VERY pretty to look at, but just not worth it for me.
A younger man needs to experience life unencumbered before he can relate to a woman who has the baggage that I do. I ain't about sport fukkin... even that wasn't worth it for me as MOST younger men just don't understand about the art of seduction.
I will leave the younger men to the younger women.
Me, the old broad that I am... I am THRILLED and SATISFIED on every level with my REAL OLD MAN.
Older women don't play, nor can you control us. We don't have the time or the inclination. We want what we want, when we want it. When we are done, the younger men are sent on their way.
Younger men are pretty, but *meh* what I find attractive is a man with lines and grey hair or balding, means he has seen some life. If you don't got that then you just aren't appealing to me.
That is JUST ME and if you don't find old broads with hard asses and a few laugh lines and the wisdom of life attractive then we can remain satisfied to wave at one another from across the room.