LMAO!! This literally just happened to me so have to share:
I'm sat in my office with meal number 2 in front of me; 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 cup blueberries and I'm sucking on a tbsp of peanut butter. My boss comes in and says, didn't you have time for breakfast this morning? I say yes, this is my next meal. So he says, I thought you said you were on a diet. (Well, I never actually used those words but I came back to work on Monday after another chest infection and made a comment on how I'm determined to get healthy, lose fat etc.) So I said, yes, I'm determined to eat right. He said, is that peanut butter? I said, uh huh. Then he said (I can't believe it), well, you'll be out of those pants in a month if you keep going like that.
OMG!!!!! Normally I would have wanted to hide in the bathroom and cry (too sensitive I guess) but this time, because my head is in the right place, I just shrugged and smiled sweetly, thinking I'll show you, you loser. Yes, I will be out of those pants (maybe longer than a month though) but for completely the opposite reason.
F--- these idiot uninformed people. We know what we're doing .