So I have done many cycles (test e, tren e, deca, sust, dbol, abdadrol, winny) and out of all that over the past however many years I have only gotten a tic tac size lump under my right nipple. I would throw in some letro and its gone. After cycle it stays gone. I know that once you get it there is always the possibility it will come back on the next cycle, which it always has. Well this cycle, 600mgs test e per week, it came back and grew. It feels like it split into two now combining to the side of a pea. I notmally run arimidex but this time I went with aromasin bc of the estrogen rebound i experience after cycle. It appeared to have no effect on stopping this. I threw in nova and switched to letro. The size is staying consistent now but not shrinking which is odd Since letro normally, in the past, has shrank it. Now here comes the worst part. I was feeling the lump last night and while pushing around I felt something wet. I froze and though "f me!" I squeezed my nipple, rather hard, including the lump and this...wait for liquid came out. Bot alot, but enough that it almost could drip. The wife comes in and I show her the kleenex that now has a blue dot and tell her and she has no idea why it would be blue either.
First, I shouldn't lactate on test my knowledge. In the past I ran 1000mgs and nothing ever like this happened. I have tons of letro, nova, aromasin, and clomid. Not sure how to solve this issue. Today my nipple kills but that could be bc I squeezed it so damn hard.
First, I shouldn't lactate on test my knowledge. In the past I ran 1000mgs and nothing ever like this happened. I have tons of letro, nova, aromasin, and clomid. Not sure how to solve this issue. Today my nipple kills but that could be bc I squeezed it so damn hard.