so im at the door, wearing a muscle shirt this time cos i already got my boss to love me with that bullshit euro guy fabio unbuttoned shit last week
and im in the VIP telling these idiots to get out and stop making my life hard and these 2 girls get into line, and im like..."why are you two in my line. you need to get out of my line."
and this chick, who is about 19? half indian looking? HOT AS HELL, like, about 8.5 out of 10 in that clean cut awesome fucking wow way is like "im great at giving head. lets go over there. im awesome at keeping my mouth shut. i"
i. was. fucking. horrified.
why are we talking about head? why are you trying to get me over there between parked cars? how did this happen? who said head? all i wanted was ID
so im like....i so want a blowjob, but...i cant do it if youre watching lol...i dont even fucking know you im, you have to be totally hot, AND you have to totally blow me on video for EF, cant see my dick, and...this is so wrong...why dont you just pay 10 bucks you fucking nutjob wtf LOL
life is strange, with muscles, in nightclubs, and tight T shirts
also sorry my threads are all about sex. i just think sex is hilarious. i mean, its pretty fucking ridiculous when you think about it - you put your weewee in her hooha and everyone makes funny faces and everyone makes suuuuch a big deal about it but relaly its such a non-event...but...fuck its funny lol
oh and a BIG SHOUTOUT TO EVENSTEVE, who needs a job in a bar
