Wow! Its taken me awhile to read and respond to some of these. In my previous post (post #45) I put in all my replies to the people who posted above. that post has been edited and updated to include all the replies.
ill reply to the new posts here:
p0ink said:
i wouldnt take dating / relationship advice from anyone on this board.
I've thought about that. I dont know why the heck I post all these threads regarding life decisions. I feel compelled to. And like you are saying i have no idea where this advice is coming from!
The "cool thing" about being a virgin (from my vantage point only) is that you are in total control of whom it is that you share that experience with, nothing more and nothing less.
As I stated before, how many sex partners my husband has had before me is of little consequence to me. (He has had hundreds if not more.) All I am concerned with is who his sex partner is from the time that we voluntarily decided to commit to one another, foresaking all others.
dont you think it may be a little easier though for some partners to stick together and be faithful, if the only ones they had sex with were themselves, or.... if they didnt have tons of partners before hand?
I mean trends are trends. Not to diss Grumpy Old Man or anything. But how can a man who has had sex with hundreds of women, just STOP that behavior and have sex with just 1 woman for the rest of his life? I know it has happened where a man and woman sleep around a lot, get married and stick it out together, but it just seems more unlikely.
bluepeter said:
For crying out loud, at least fuck a chick in the ass. Save the pussy for the wedding night.

I dont understand the dudes that love to put it in the butt. that just seems gross, of course i know you're kidding, but still.
This mindset has always befuddled me: guys and girls who honestly believe that just because they dont have "penis in vagina" contact means they are still virgins? WTF - men think that women who have had intercourse with several other men are "sluts" but think that women who have had anal sex and oral sex with countless men are somehow "better" or more desirable as life partners?
Call me crazy but if I heard that my husband had anal sex or oral sex with another woman I would still kick his ass to the curb for having SEX with another woman.
What is this "penis in pussy" sex being the only REAL definition of sex?
exactly. as far as im concerned, if there is sexual organ contact in any fashion. with a guy finger fucks a woman, or if the man lets him stick his organ between her tits, or if he humps her thighs, bla bla, its still sex!
Rabid_Goose said:
Virgins learning together is like two people that have never driven a car, attempting to drive. But if you think you can find a virgin out there to marry, more power to you man.
if 2 virgins have sex in highschool i dont see that being too much different than 2 thirty year old virgins having sex

yeah, finding one is a trick though I'm sure!
Tweakle said:
If I have a daughter you best believe she's getting kept on a 6 inch leash until she's 21.
Fxygel, seriously you will never find the right partner for you unless you date a lot of women. And that usually means sleeping with them. Out of 100, there might be one that's right for you but you'll never know if you end up getting all infatuated and marrying the first one to give it up to you.
you'll learn that you're not missing out on anything by being with that one woman.. but only if you have the experience to know what else is out there.
why cant one learn about a woman, and discover if she's right for him or not without having sex with her?