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Eating salad isnt a bad option before hitting the sack however there are better choices out there. Although salad could be classified as a fibrous carb it doesnt have much nutrients in it, therefor opt for a vegetable like brocolli and something with casein protein ex. cottage cheese, add some EFAs and you got yourself a perfect bedtime meal. All these together will give your body the nutrients its needs as you sleep. Also they are slow digesting so your body can feed off them during the 8-10 hours that you sleep at night. Then first thing when you wake up consume a protein shake in water and some complex carbs ex. oatmeal, I just grind up 1 cup of oatmeal and down it in my shake. This way your body can quickly absorb the protein and can go from a catabolic state to a anabolic state. Wait a half hour and proceed to your breakfast