So last night I was at a Fundraiser and the woman who had it asked me if I would speak to her 16 yr old daughter who just became a Vegetarian so I could give her some insight and tips.
I was sitting with this young lady and she was asking me questions about food choices etc and some crazy bitch next to us was listening and she says to the young girl "OH THAT IS FUCKING BULLSHIT, DO NOT LISTEN TO HER. We are meant to eat meat"
The young girl says "I don't want to eat meat though". Then I hone in and say "What exactly is BS"...and she says "Killing animals is a given right to humans"
OMG......seriously! Some people need to vacant this planet! Anyways...I was like "ummm who are you?"
Then the husband of the 16 yr old comes over and starts to tell this loud mouth dummy to shut up and mind her own business. Then she comes at me and says "are your purse and shoes leather? Do you eat jello" (that is a no to all 3 by the way).....and then she was taken away by two guys cause she got almost violent with me.
I never met this crack head so have no idea what stick was up her butt, but man
This Mother of the kid and her H contacted me this morning to apologize and then the H sends me a pic of this woman who is a chef.
This is her about to gut a pig. You see, my brain cannot compute how a human cannot feel compassion for what was once a living, feeling being.
Yeah I figured all the steroids in meat are causing roid rage in meat eaters.....calm the fuck down. Vegetarians are not the enemy. We don't kill, remember!
I will hate everyone who will post in this thread...