Why would any logical person attempt to debate with such sound logic as that presented by this circle-jerk of geniuses?
This should be retitled the Dballer/2thick/MP5 stroke-off thread.
Here's what you asked for. You are such anti-semites that you don't even see the hypocrisy any more. Let me be the first to stand up and say WHAT FUCKING HYPOCRITES you are.
How easily and quickly you are to point to actions indisputably encouraged and sanctioned by most of the Arab-Muslim world and say that they merely represent the actions of "a few" radical Muslims and that they should not be extrapolated to represent the entire culture, yet the actions of ONE Israeli company represents all of Israel as well as Judiasm?
One more time...Hypocrite anti-semites.
Like a dog with a bone or a liberal with an agenda, it's impressive how you are conveniently absent from the discussion the gazillion times the shoe is on the other foot. Dballer, 2Thick, and MP5 in bed together? What could have caused something like this? Nothing short of Israel-bashing.
Sounds to most intelligent individuals more like these PARTICULAR Israelis were engaging in the oldest business model known to man- CAPITALISM. They were selling a highly-valued commodity (intelligence) to the highest bidder. Clearly this espionage WAS NOT AT THE BEHEST OF THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT. Rather, it was the action of individuals out for one thing and one thing only...(three guesses $$$$$$$. And the Israeli government really doesn't need an extra $100,000 that this information might sell for. "Res ipso loquitor" is the legal term I believe.
The article pretty much proves they WEREN'T representing Israel because if they did, the information would have been given to and used (as previously) solely by Israel (something which has undeniably happened in past with proven Israeli-American spies- I won't give you the info for ammo if you don't already know it but their last name ended in "-berg" LOL).
What, maybe you think there are no other allies that spy on one another? Please don't make me laugh. It happens with EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY. The difference (or similarity in this case) is that the espionage information is not used AGAINST your allies but rather to "keep tabs" on them. Furthermore, the media and the government pretty much do all they can to sweep such news under the rug because it a) is embarassing and b) needlessly weakens the strength of alliances.
Sorry to have ruined your circle-jerk, guys.
Now go ahead and refute that when you guys finish cleaning each other up.